Many parents don’t realize the importance of baby teeth because, after all, at some point they will fall out to make way for permanent teeth. But baby teeth have a huge impact on oral health, emotional health and general health. More studies are showing the connection between good oral health and overall health. Here is […]
Gemma writes: Some days I don’t know where the last five years of my life went. Ever since my son was born, time has sped up considerably. Yet at the same time, it does seem like a lifetime long ago. I can hardly remember holding him as a newborn. I remember the longness of the days, […]
Did you know that you can use a crib sheet to protect an outdoor baby from bug bites and too much sun? Or that you can use a makeup brush to “paint on” diaper cream so you don’t get the sticky stuff on your hands? From laundry and poopy diaper tricks to baking soda and […]
Unless you are a parent, you will never know what it is like to be up all night with a sick, vomiting baby; what it truly means to feel like a zombie, to go without a shower for three days, to only get in one meal for the day; and how helpless you feel when you cry for no […]
Now this looks like a great way for new Moms to stay healthy as well as have a ton of fun in the process. A San Diego fitness studio has been regularly teaching babywearing dance classes and recently posted the sweetest video of one of the routines. When this video of the class at KangaGroove dancing […]
We found ourselves laughing out loud at this mother’s humorous take on the more than two years it took her to finally get her child to sleep through the night. In an ‘easy’ step by step guide, she describes many sleepless nights stumbling around half awake, getting desperate, and trying every trick in the book. We’re […]
According to a new book, parents looking to help their children develop healthy eating habits have more power than they realize. Author Bee Wilson’s book examines the many factors that influence our eating preferences and recently spoke with NPR about the book as well as shared a few interesting facts. The ones we found most […]
Don’t worry parents, you won’t be spoiling your babies if you pick them up every time they start crying; at least according to a new study. Researchers at Notre Dame surveyed over 600 adults about their childhood and family environment and found that adults that had nurturing, caring experience as a child tend to lead […]
We all know that finding a unique name for your baby can be a challenge but inspiration can always come from unlikely sources. From your favorite tv shows and movie characters to celebrities and classic film stars check out this list of over 200 pop culture names. Here are some of our favorites: Quinn (TV’s […]